What is the relationship between SC and SHGC?

What is the relationship between SC and SHGC?

To perform an approximate conversion from SC to SHGC, multiply the SC value by 0.87.

Is Solar Factor and SHGC is same?

G-value (sometimes also called a Solar Factor or Total Solar Energy Transmittance) is the coefficient commonly used in Europe to measure the solar energy transmittance of windows. Despite having minor differences in modeling standards compared to the SHGC, the two values are effectively the same.

Is higher SHGC better?

The lower the SHGC, the less solar heat it transmits and the greater its shading ability. A product with a high SHGC rating is more effective at collecting solar heat during the winter. A product with a low SHGC rating is more effective at reducing cooling loads during the summer by blocking heat gain from the sun.

How do you calculate SHGC from SC?

The shading coefficient is calculated by the equation SC = SHGC / 0.86. For example, for glazing with a SHGC of 0.6, we have 0.6 / 0.86 = 0.69, so the shading coefficient (SC) is 0.69.

Which is more important U factor or SHGC?

The U-Factor measures how well the window in- sulates. While the U-Factor can take any value, in general for windows it ranges from 0.20 to 1.20. The lower the U-Factor, the better the window insulates. The SHGC measures how much of the sun’s heat comes through the window.

How important is SHGC?

Solar Heat Gain Coefficient, or SHGC, is an important aspect of your windows. It tells the amount of solar radiation that can be admitted by a window. The lower your window’s SHGC is, the less solar heat it transmits.

What is U factor and SHGC?

The U-Factor measures how well the window in- sulates. While the U-Factor can take any value, in general for windows it ranges from 0.20 to 1.20. The lower the U-Factor, the better the window insulates. The SHGC measures how much of the sun’s heat comes through the window. It can range in value from 0 to 1.

What is a good energy rating for windows?

ER is an alternative rating, and it includes the solar gain effect of the window. The higher the ER, the more energy efficient the window. Good performing windows and doors have an ER of 29 or higher.

Which is more important U-factor or SHGC?

What is SHGC and U-value?

What is a good solar heat coefficient?

When it comes to an optimal SHGC rating, again you will want to look for a rating of 0.25 or less for efficient energy performance and lower A/C costs. Although for people that like their home on the warmer side should choose a SHGC rating between 0.35-0.60 to allow natural solar heat in.

What is the difference between SHGC and shading coefficient?

The physical meaning of shading coefficient is exactly the same as SHGC. Shading coefficient is simply a SHGC scaled by 0.87. Here, 0.87 is the nominal SHGC of a clear glass. Shading coefficient is a relative scale in comparison with a clear glass. It is nowadays redundant to scale SHGC by 0.87.

What is the difference between the solar heat gain coefficient and SHGC?

While the solar heat gain coefficient and the shading coefficient address the same concept, they are significantly different. SHGC indicates the percentage of solar radiation (across the entire spectrum) incident upon a glazing assembly (window or skylight) that ends up inside a building as thermal energy (heat).

What is the normal range of SHGC?

It can theoretically range from 0 to 1, but products will typically range between 0.2 and 0.9. SHGC considers both the heat from solar radiation transmitting through the glass as well as the thermal energy absorbed and transferred inward from the glass and the frame. A high SHGC indicates poor resistance.

What does a low SHGC mean on a window?

A low SHGC indicates good resistance. Only a small percentage of the Sun’s rays makes it through the window or skylight. That’s helpful when cooling is the dominant need.